Tokio Marine HCC UK RS Feva National Championships at South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club

RS Feva 7464, Team BT (Bad Tactics Sailing)
Rs Feva 4746, Yes a new boat and wow we were fast
Tildas and my first national regatta and we finished 22nd overall out of 94.
We had set a target of getting to the Gold fleet and then a top 30 finish, so we are so pleased and happy to have smashed our target.
Day 1 was light to medium shifty breeze with short choppy seas and very cold! We managed to get two 6th places so from there we knew we were in with a chance of qualifying to gold fleet.
Day 2, 3 and 4 all pushed us to the limit with medium to heavy winds with a 1-meter very step wind against tide chop.
We would also like to thank Mike Saul Dinghy services for helping us get a new boat together and ready for the Nationals at very short notice.
RS Feva UK Write-up and results
What's next?
Tilda will focus on the Tera Sport and I will team up with my friend Eilish for the RS Feva Inland Nationals and Worlds in Italy. MORE TRAINING
Tilda will be back with us for the First RS Feva Grand Prix in September.