RS Feva sailing this year will be restricted to Sunday club racing at YDSC, as I focus on my GCSEs this summer.
Our focus for competition will be on the RS Feva World Championships taking place (21/07/2020 - 25/07/2020) in Travemunde, Germany.

Tilda has a very busy season with the Tera and Feva but for the next two weekends is focusing on her dancing with a performance at Harrogate convention centre. Other than her national squad weekends, spring champs in Feva and Tera, Tilda will be taking on the Nationals in Torbay and the RS Tera Europeans also in Travemude just before the RS Feva Worlds.
Bad Tactics Sailing has a massive training schedule in the Feva after GCSE’s being written up by my Dad that will involve 3 weeks in a row of hard training, 2 weeks off then another weekend on prior to Tilda shipping out to Germany.
2020 sailing schedule
RS Feva Spring Champ
RS Feva Grand Prix 3
RS Feva Worlds
RS 200 Nationals
Laser 4.7 North East Younth Championships
RS Feva Worlds 2020-2021 New Zealand
move to Laser 4.7 for 2021
RS Feva Spring Champ
RS Tera Spring Champs
RS Feva Grand Prix 3
RS Tera Nationals Torbay
RS Tera Europeans Germany
RS Feva Worlds
RS Tera End of Seasons
Move to RS Feva helm

Beth 2019: 2nd RS Tera National