RS Feva Grand Prix 1
A couple of weeks ago, Tilda an I jumped back into the RS Feva for the Grand Prix at Draycote water. The conditions were very light and fluky making it really hard to read the winds. The wind was blowing over a hill then through a group of trees causing the wind to dispersed when it hit the water.

We didn’t start the regatta as hoped with some very bad races however, we believe that this has a lot to do with not sailing together for a large period of time so we needed to get used to sailing together again. This progressed for the majority of the regatta. As we began to regain our confidence in the boat.
Due to a poor wind forecast on Sunday, they planned to do 5 races on Saturday. Our first three results we disappointing as we got a 21st, 28th and 31st. We knew we were a lot more capable than this we talked about what was going wrong and improved our results. In the 4th race, we had a couple of minutes with heavier winds. Before the 5th race, we changed our rig because the winds began to pick up and we managed to get plaining downwind, which was a lot of fun. On the last upwind leg, we were gaining on the lead boat but didn’t quite catch up but still secured a 6th and a 3rd.

Overall, it was a very good regatta as we got used to sailing the boat again but we knew we had more in us and believed we could have done a lot better than our finishing place of 17th. Since this regatta, Tilda and I have been training and enjoying sailing the boat again. We are both looking forward to our next regatta.